How to Install HTTPS for Your Lightsail Server in 3 Steps

Installing an SSL Certificate On Amazon Lightsail (or any other cloud provider) Just Got a lot Easier with the HTTPS Configuration Tool I’m using Amazon Lightsail. It used to be a pain to install the lets-encrypt SSL service. Now it’s not. Bitnami released a new tool that completely automates the process called: The Bitnami HTTPS Configuration Tool Keep in mind this should be done on a fresh instance or install of a WordPress server (one that doesn’t already have CertBot or SSL keys previously Installed). Step 1: Open up your console using Putty or Amazon’s included console program on the Lightsail Website. You should see something like this make sure you are logged in as Bitnami: Step 2: Install Type in this code. This install’s the HTTPS configuration tool from Bitnami and configures the directories: Step 3 Run the program The next step is running and configuring the program. Just run the program using the code below and follow the on-screen steps in the console (like putting in your email address and agreeing to the EULA). Once you’ve done that, put in your website domain and you’re golden. That’s it. Literally. No paid plugins, no 20 step procedures, no pointless DNS TXT updates. HTTPS setup just got a lot easier